दोस्तों इस पोस्ट मे आपको Class 10 English Chapter 1 The Pace For Living का Question Answer बहुत ही आसान भाषा में किया गया है
1. The Pace For Living
-R.C. Hutchinson
इस पाठ The Pace For Living का प्रश्न उत्तर नीचे दिया गया है
A. Work is small group and do the following:
1.Talk to your friends and seek their opinion on the lifestyle of the modern youth, Ask them:
(i) Do you find life leisurely or fast ?
Ans. I do not not find life leisurely but I like it fast. Because a happy man is one who know and appreciates the value of leisurely hours. He consciously utilies his time in doing good deeds. He enriches his life by engaging in persuits that are closest to his heart for, “what is this life is full of care? We have no time to stand and stare,”
(ii) Are you satisfied with what you see today?
Ans. Yes, I am satisfied with what I see today. Because G. Bernard Shaw says,” The unreasonable man adopts himself to the world, the unreasaonable one persist in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
B. Answer the following question briefly:
1.Where did the writer watch the play?
Ans. The writer, R C Hutchinson, watched the play in Dublin.
2.Who was the chief character in the play?
Ans. The chief character in the play was an elderly corn-merchant in a small Irish town. He had several anxieties. His heart was weak and his nephew was cheating him. His wife wanted to waste money on a holiday.
3. Does the writer dislike rapid movement in every field?
Ans. The writer, RC Hutchinson, does not dislike rapid movement in every field. He enjoys going in a car at ninety miles an hour. He is fascinated by aeroplanes flying at amazing speeds. He dislikes rapid speed of mental activities which follow the pace of machines.
4.In which situation, does R.C. Hutchinson find himself in the cinema?
Ans. When the writer goes to the cinema, he finds himself in a hopeless situation. He cannot follow the fast movement of the story and rapid changes of scene and action. He has to seek his wife’s help
in order to keep up with the rapid movement of the plot.
5.How does the writer classify himself as a thinker?
Ans. The author considers himself one of the group of slow thinkers. He realizes that he is among those who are guaranteed to get the lowest scores on any IQ test.
1. Write few sentences about the elderly corn merchant.
Ans. The elderly corn-merchant lived in a small Irish country town. He was a man of many anxieties. His heart was weak, his nephew was cheating him and his wife was spending a lot while on holidays. Moreover, he was unable to catch up with the fast pace of life. His complaint throws light on the fast life of the modern people.
2. “They tell me there’s an aeroplane now that goes at 1,000 miles an hour. Now that’s too fast!” What light does the remark of the corn-merchant throw on the fast life today?
Ans. The pace of life was getting too much for the corn- merchant. Here we find that corn-merchant consciousness at the despair level swings away freely in time is a means of escape from the tyranny of the nephew and his wife both.
3. What sort of excitement do we have today which our ancestors lack? Is it an advantage or a disadvantage?
Ans. Today science has helped to reduce the time and distance involved in travelling making the world today more accessible. We have super sonic planes that take us around the world. We can dine in London and lunch in New york. While just a century age it took months or years to accomplish this feat. He is a sort of excitement. Our ancestors lacked it. It is an advantage.
4. Who are taken to be slow thinkers? How are the slow thinkers, handicapped today?
Ans. The people whose mental activities do not follow the pace of the machines are taken to be slow thinkers. The pace of modern life is very fast. So, the modern people have to think fast in order to succeed in practical life. What counts in modern life is the speed of mind. Slow thinkers are handicapped today in getting a living. They find it difficult to get a good job because they do not adjust to the fast pace of life. Their mental activities are too slow to keep pace with the rapid changes in the modern world.
5. What enlightenment does the writer seek from his wife? What does it suggest about the plight of the modern man?
Ans. In the cinema he found himself in a hopeless fog, but he asked his wife sitting beside him about a certain girl in the scene his wife told him clearly. So finds that there someone has a mind which has trained itself to work in high gear-though as a matter of fact it can work in other gears just as well. For the modern man it suggests to think in fast enough to keep up comfortably.
6. Summarise the central idea of this essay.
Ans. In this essay, the author discusses in a funny and sarcastic manner how fast the life of modern man has become. The advantage